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Message from Chairman

Message from Chairman

Dear Ua Floors Team,


First, I appreciate every workmate. Because of your continuous effort, Ua Floors has been able to thrive and grow in such a highly competitive market. I would like to share with you 4 essential pillars that drive our success - Quality, Cost, Delivery, and Service. They are the foundation of our achievements, and the key to stand out in the marketplace.


Quality - The lifeblood of our company. Our ability to earn the trust of our customers from our unwavering commitment to excellence. Let us continue to uphold the highest standards, enhance our professional skills, and ensure every process meets our quality expectations.

Cost - A critical factor in global competition. Many factories around the world that building up at just one-tenth of our costs, and paying only one-fifth of our wages. These are all formidable competitors! Therefore, while maintaining quality, we must innovate, improve efficiency and control costs. By optimizing our cost structure can offer our customers the intense solutions and remain ahead in the market.

Delivery - It represents our promise. On-time delivery not only fulfills the customer's requirements but also shows our reliability and professionalism. I encourage everyone to strengthen time management, streamline processes, and make sure that every order is completed on schedule, or even ahead of time to keep earning our clients' trust.

Service - Truly differentiates us from the others. We provide more than just products, we build lasting partnerships based on trust. By listening to the customer's needs, responding promptly, and offering thoughtful, professional support. We create a stronger, more reputable brand in every customer's mind.


These 4 essential pillars - not a single one can be omitted, none is dispensable. Hopefully, each of you will embrace them as part of your daily work standards and continuously strive for a greater company. I truly believe that with our collective effort, we will achieve remarkable new milestones together.

Thank you once again for your pay-off. Let's move forward, hand in hand, toward a brighter future!

Warm regards,
Andy Su
Chairman of Ua Floors